নাগরিক সেবা

GG Fashion Sourcing LTD

GG FASHION HOUSE LTD is a sister concern of NITBGROUP, GG FASHION HOUSE LTD started 2009 january, we are highly professional of Knit Item Manufacturer in Bangladesh. is a leading garments buyer in the country. 

GG focus has always been and will continue to be on supplying high quality, expertly styled garments for markets such as music merchandise, fashion, corporate promotions and athletics. All products are designed and engineered with specific embellishment concerns in mind and marketed to those companies that have and interest in the decorated garment industry.

Services of GG Fashion Sourcing LTD

  1. Fashion Designing
  2. Expert Merchandising
  3. Fabric Kniting
  4. Fabric Dying
  5. Cutting And Swing
  6. Printing
  7. Embroydary
  8. Accessories
  9. Shipping

Title GG Fashion Sourcing LTD
Address House # 21 (G.Fl), Road # 9/B, Sector # 5, Uttara,Dhaka-1230
Phone 8801727267337
Mobail 8801714033577
Email [email protected]
Post Code 1230
Reg Code
Swift Code
Establishment Year 2004
Category Private
Sector Garments
Service Type Buying House
Area Uttara
Upazila/Thana Uttara
Division Dhaka
District Dhaka
Country Bangladesh
Legal Status Private

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  Ratting: 3.43
  14 Reviewers
GG Fashion Sourcing LTD

GG Fashion Sourcing LTD

Contact Info

House # 21 (G.Fl), Road # 9/B, Sector # 5, Uttara,Dhaka-1230
[email protected]

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