Q1: How to open an account in Nagorik Seba or how to become a member of Nagorik Seba?
Answer: At first you must visit the Nagorik Seba homepage then click on became a member or register option (Upper option and right site). After getting registration, you must be filled up it with the right information and fill up the terms and conditions button. After completion of this form click on the registration. You will get a verification email and verify your application from your email. After verification, you will get a Dashboard. The dashboard will provide a few options for updating your profile. After your application and email verification, your account will be active within the next 3day to post your business data or advertisement.
2. How to create my profile?
Answer: A user can create or update his or her profile after registration and email verification from Deshboad of Nagirik Seba.
3. What is the object of Nagorik Seba?
Answer: Nagorik Seba wants to ensure the best information for the citizen of Bangladesh and others.
4. How to post business data or individual service data on the Nagorik Seba platform?
Answer: After successful registration, a user will get a Nagorik Sea Dashboard. The dashboard has 7 options as below, User can post and update their service data using these options.
N.B: You can write us [email protected] about your query. Nagorik Seba will try its level best to give you the best answer. Stay safe and connect with us for any kind of service information.