Shahid Ali Pilot Public High School is one the renowned and oldest educational destination in Shalla upazila. This academy is located in Sunaganj district under sylhet education board. It is a best school of district. It was founded in 1968 and stated activities on 24 january 1968. Its Educational Instiute Indentification No is 130001.This is a MPO listed school. Its MPO No:1409011301.
Interested candidate has to provide following information with application to take admission
Here is given top ten reported school:
Shahid Ali Pilot Public High School provide following courses for secondary students-
Shahid Ali Pilot Public High School has been offering courses under science,business studies and arts group for SSC students.
Title | Shahid Ali Pilot Public High School |
Address | Ghungiagaon, Shalla Sunamganj-3050 |
Phone | 01722940430 |
Fax | |
Mobail | 8801712231812 |
[email protected] | |
Post Code | 3050 |
Reg Code | EIIN:130001 |
Swift Code | |
License | |
TIN | |
BIN | |
Establishment Year | 1968 |
Category | Government |
Sector | Education Govt |
Service Type | School & College (Govt) |
Area | |
Upazila/Thana | Sunamganj Sadar |
Division | Sylhet |
District | Sunamganj |
Country | Bangladesh |
Membership | Sylhet Education Board |
Legal Status | Government |
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